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Colorful Glowing LED Plush Teddy Bear – Soft and Cuddly

Colorful Glowing LED Plush Teddy Bear – Soft and Cuddly

通常価格 $34.99 USD
通常価格 セール価格 $34.99 USD
セール 売り切れ
税込。 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。

This plush teddy bear is made from soft, high-quality plush fabric filled with PP cotton. The LED lights embedded inside are designed for safety, providing a gentle glow without overheating. The PP cotton filling ensures the bear stays fluffy and cuddly for a long time.

The Colorful Glowing Teddy Bear is crafted with attention to detail. The realistic bear design makes it visually attractive while remaining soft to the touch. The LED lights are securely integrated, and the on-off mechanism is easy to use, making it perfect for kids over 3 years old. Quality stitching and durable materials ensure that the bear can withstand daily hugs and cuddles.

The Colorful Glowing Teddy Bear is designed to be durable, with strong stitching and a resilient plush exterior. The LED lights are energy-efficient and last a long time, ensuring the bear continues to glow brightly for years. The materials used in the construction are resistant to wear and tear, making this bear a long-lasting toy.

This teddy bear is ideal for children who need a comforting companion during bedtime, especially for those who are afraid of the dark. The glowing LED lights add a soothing nightlight feature, making it a wonderful addition to a child's bedroom. It’s also an excellent gift option for Christmas, birthdays, and other celebratory events for both kids and adults.

The PP cotton filling is safe and eco-friendly. Additionally, the LED lights are energy-efficient, consuming minimal power, which makes this product more sustainable. The bear's long lifespan also reduces the need for frequent replacements, lowering its overall environmental footprint.

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ノルウェー。 : 8~10日

ギリシャ : 8 - 14日




アイルランド : 6 - 11日



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Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights – Perfect Gift for Kids

The Colorful Glowing Teddy Bear is a perfect companion for children and adults alike. Designed with a soft, plush feel and equipped with LED lights, it creates a magical nighttime glow. This teddy bear is an adorable gift for special occasions like birthdays, holidays, weddings, and Valentine's Day.

Dimensions: Approx. 11 inches (28 cm) tall

BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights
BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights
BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights
BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights
BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights
BleuRibbon Baby - Colorful Glowing Plush Teddy Bear with LED Lights

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